Each coupon is identified by a Coupon Code and can have different requirements and rewards. Please check your coupon - all requirements stated on the coupon must be met to receive the discount. The following terms and conditions apply to all coupon codes:

  • Coupon values are as specified on the coupon.
  • Limit of one coupon use per customer.
  • Coupons are redeemable only on Bookoutlet.com and .ca web sites and not the retail store. At times, coupons may be limited to one specific site; please check your coupon to verify which site(s) the coupon applies to.
  • A coupon may not be used in conjunction with the purchase of gift cards and certain items may not be eligible for discount. This may include existing sale items or specialty products.
  • Coupon codes may not be combined with other offers in the same order. Generally, only one coupon code may be used per order.
  • A coupon code cannot be used to pay for taxes, shipping and handling or other charges. If the product in an order is less than the coupon value, the remaining value of the coupon will not be applicable to any additional order costs.
  • If your coupon code has a minimum purchase requirement, taxes, shipping and handling and other charges do not apply towards the minimum purchase amount.
  • Each coupon is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified in the offer.
  • Use of any unauthorized coupon code or any abuse of the coupon code will result in the order being cancelled.
  • A coupon code has no cash value.