If your order arrives and you notice a shortage or an error with your order, you must report it within a maximum of 30 days from when the order was expected to be delivered. In some events, a shortage could reflect a short-shipped title. Please be sure to review your shipping details or your Past Orders to confirm if any books had been short-shipped.

As well, larger orders may be shipped in more than one package. In these cases, each package will have its own tracking number. To view the tracking number(s) for your order, please visit your Past Orders page.


As a seller of publisher overstock, our entire inventory is cycled through very rapidly. This means that on a rare occasion there is an update delay for our inventory. While a book may have been available at the time your order was placed, it became unavailable while your order was being processed for shipping. Please be assured that you will not be charged for any items not included in your order. Your pre-authorized payment will be adjusted accordingly to reflect this change and you will only be charged for the items included in the order at the time of shipment.

If you would like to add the short-shipped title(s) to your Book Outlet Wishlist, you will get an email notification if/when it becomes available again.